A New Season
A New Platform

Stay Calm, Be Bold, Speak Truth...

A brother in Christ said to me recently, ”You’ve got to go out on your own K-man, you have no choice but to do your own show.” Suddenly my beautiful, Jesus-loving wife Angela and I realized that God had been preparing me for this moment since 1981 when I first got into radio and then TV news and sports.

Sure I’ve had my own gigs before in 35 years of broadcasting. But times have changed. Chinese-style censorship of stories that don’t fit the narrative driven by the mainstream media is choking the life out of free speech. Throw in unconstitutional mandates, and lockdowns, and the daily bombardment to our senses that we’re reprobates unless we get the jab, and you can see why folks are giving up hope.

Like many people I’ve also felt hopeless. I grew up in a violent, unstable and dysfunctional household. My father was a U.S. Army Sgt. Major. He earned 16 medals including the Silver Star for gallantry in action, the Bronze Star, and two Purple Hearts. Lloyd Kinsey was wounded in WWII and was also shot in Korea during the brutal and disastrous Battle of Unsan in 1950.

His pain was so severe, his comrades left him at the mercy of the enemy, in a foxhole, in minus 40 degree temperatures for three days. Captured by the Chinese Communists, he went without food for 14 days, was carried on a litter to Manchuria and then finally returned to American lines.

Only 81 men out of nearly 800 in his battalion survived! Dad was one of 29 POWs from the 8th Cavalry Regiment who were freed. That war and the death that he saw would smolder inside of him for years.

My father never had a good word for my brother, my mother or me. He was always criticizing and condemning us. His mental and physical abuse of my mother was too much for her as she chose to take her life. Only in 2011 after seeing a sermon on Corrie Ten Boom did I realize the power of forgiving my father as we were on the receiving end of his ire.

Suddenly when I left that hurt, anger and disdain for my dad at the feet of Jesus, I realized that a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Forgiveness defeats darkness on a massive scale because it involves the resurrection power of Jesus. Forgiveness releases God’s divine healing power. Matthew 6:15 exhorts us to forgive others or God will not forgive us.

That type of grace is desperately needed as this world spirals out of control. But we Christians know that these times give us a golden opportunity to lead many of the lost into the loving arms of our God, just as I experienced. That’s our mission on The Kerry Kinsey Show, to stay calm, be bold and speak truth, right up until the end. We’re gonna do that and win some souls to Jesus….no matter what the devil throws at us. We are commanded to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

“The Lord told me He will bless this show if we lift up His name every day.”
Kerry Kinsey

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Speak Truth In Love… Ephesians 4:15