


Ephesians 2:10 says…

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” We serve and volunteer confidently, knowing that God has prepared the way for us! 

Prayer of Gratitude for Divinely Prepared Volunteers...

Jehovah Jireh, our Great Provider… Thank You for the volunteers You will provide and have provided for the work entrusted to “The Kerry Kinsey Show.” You call precisely the right people to the right area of service. I have seen You orchestrate beauty and divine appointments. You’ve brought amazing people our way… Each person having an integral part to contribute to the work to which You’ve called them. Thank you for calling out and gifting volunteers to serve. I stand amazed at Your great choreography called life, which brings Your children together to perform beautiful acts of service. Help us to not lose sight of Your grand redemptive masterplan. Thank You Jesus!
Yes and Amen.

Positions Needed:

  • Editors

  • Social Media Manager

  • Marketing strategist

  • Monthly Partners

  • Prayer Warriors

  • Website Manager

  • Sponsors

Join Our volunteer community

1. Partner With Us

We need your help!

Financial donations are needed but donating time as a volunteer is important as well. Pray about this! Let the Holy Spirit be your guide.

2. Submit Form

Start the Process!

Let us know how you’re gifted and how you can help even if a position is not listed above. 

3. Video Call/Meeting

Let's talk

Indicate convenient days and times to discuss your interest in volunteering and your availability to serve.

4. You're a volunteer!


Your willingness to step out in faith with us may lead to more permanent employable paid positions as we expand the Kingdom Work.

Start The Process of becoming a volunteer: Complete Form

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
(1 John 3:18).